
Free Watch Landfall no login kickass Without Paying Hd-720p No Sing Up

Landfall 2017 year


6,2 / 10

39 votes
director - Travis Bain
genre - Thriller
runtime - 99 Minutes

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Landfall definition. Landfall twitter. Landfall discord. I saw this at the cinema not expecting much. It was shot locally and with a micro budget but it looks like it was put together by seasoned pros. Everything looked the goods - camerawork, editing, music, pacing, story. Best of all was the story. The story is the winner here as it kept you guessing all the way to the end. There is a bit of mistaken identity going on by both characters and the audience along with some nice action bits and a touch of violence/torture to cap it all off. If we get more Aussie thrillers like this in future I will be very happy. Landfall nc.


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